
From Delgar
Enclave Domain Location Speaker Name Race Look
Ash Enara (War) west of Narthrall Zundiya Dark Elf Butch femme, metal vibes, dark and quiet, dangeresque
Depths Yona (Ocean) in a sunken city below the Terminus Shaalwekkii Selachid Merfolk Sharky, sharp and slinky, sibilant, mysteriously femme
Dunes Atarr (Sun) in the Sand Sea of Al-Uqh Surnat Al-Khalir Human Man, dark, turban, wise-cracker, all smiles, praise the sun
Elms Hadros (Healing) elm forest between Araxia and Nexia Othelion Silmo Wood Elf Winter masc, silver hair, tall, piercing owl-like eyes
Hills Treth (Trade) in the foothills west of Zur-Tanak Durgan Silversky Dwarf Man, fleet for a Dwarf, brown hair, bushy beard, pet rabbit
Mangroves Lamera (Birth/Death) swamp peninsula NE of Belgrit Mundawi Malaku Wood Elf Summer masc, dark and tan, fierce, flowing, matted hair
Mountains Vymera (Law) on the slopes near Kazdim Ingrid Thunderjaw Dwarf Woman, stocky, pale and blonde, white wolf mantle
Oaks Ybris (Trickery) forest island west of Ao Kolawo Kilawaru Wood Elf Autumn femme, red hair, robust, Ao-ish manner
Pines Temos (Beasts) deep in the wilds Teldrin Etharianos Wood Elf Wizened winter masc, white hair, old in the way a star is
Sky Ophine (Night) on the plains north of Rovena Toff Caelwynn Halfling Man, barefoot, curly ginger, walking stick, always singing
Snow Jaaldiir (Life/Afterlife) among the peaks between Tar-Zheng and Tar-Zai Kitawa Arasune Human (Ao) Woman, shrine maiden, kitsune, sakura, snowflakes in tea
Stars Elene (Magic) among the peaks of northern Henge Fraheld Schohein Human (Henge) Enby, viking-esque, blonde short braid, red woad, furs
Waves Vexa (Storms) among the isles between Henge and Ordinatus Reflected Teacher / Zashi Aquatic Lizardfolk Man, aqua, 3pp speech, tribal tats, silver nose ring
Map of druid enclaves