
From Delgar

Aether is an invisible, intangible substance which enables the casting of magic spells. It flows around the world in sympathy with the surrounding terra, flora, and fauna according to the principle of sympathetic attraction, or "like attracts like". In doing so, it forms streams of concentrated aether polarized toward one or more of the elements.

Aether streams are described interchangeably in terms of the color/element that dominates them:

Metals Gemstones
Color Element Associated Terrain Mundane Arcane Mundane Arcane
Yellow Light Plains, grasslands, steppes, tundra, deserts Platinum Luxium Citrine, Topaz Luxite
Red Fire Deserts, volcanoes Gold Ignium Ruby Ignalite
Cyan Air Hills, cliffs, mountains, the sky Electrum Zephyrium Aquamarine Zephyrite
Blue Water Oceans, lakes, rivers, islands Silver Aquium Sapphire Aqualite
Green Earth Forests, jungles, swamps, Copper Geonium Emerald Geonite
Magenta Shadow Badlands, swamps, forests Iron Umbrium Amethyst Umbralite