Playable Races

From Delgar
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Fantasy Tiers

Which races are available to play in a given campaign is given by the "fantasy tier" of that campaign.

  • Tier I - Humans only
  • Tier II - Humans and Demihumans
  • Tier III - Humans, Demihumans, and Monstrous Humanoids
  • Tier IV - Humans, Demihumans, Monstrous Humanoids, and Beastfolk
  • Tier V - Humans, Demihumans, Monstrous Humanoids, Beastfolk, and Planetouched
  • Tier VI - everything on this page

Humans and Demihumans

Monstrous Humanoids





Half man, half horse. How many lungs do they have? Nobody knows. What we do know is that most of them live in nomadic tribes stretched out across the plains of Ambervale and Henge


The smallest of the goblinoids, goblins are short, green, and often chaotic creatures. While most goblins belong to clans where they seek protection from bigger and stronger hobgoblins and bugbears, some few, often the more educated ones, wind up in civilized society. What they lack in physical strength they make up for in cleverness, and even poorly educated goblins have proven themselves to be reliable trap-builders and inventors. They are common throughout the world.


Large humanoids who hail from the mountains of Dol and Ao. Goliaths are known for having very little body hair, and yet also very little in the way of social graces.


Hobgoblins share both goblin and human ancestry, and that this has made them creatures of unimaginable destruction is hardly a surprise. They tend to live in large goblinoid clans, organizing and leading wars against humanoid settlements of all kinds.


Small cousins of dragonborn, most kobolds live in caves and dig expansive tunnel networks and are very fond of making traps. They are given to the worship of dragons, and hordes of kobolds are often found in their employ. Kobolds also have a knack for bartering and tinkering, and are not unknown in civilization, though they certainly are uncommon.


Distant cousins of elves, once known as Orphen, from which the word "orphan" comes, Orcs are robust, green-skinned humanoids with prominent lower canines, often called tusks. Most orcs live in tribes a few dozen to a few hundred strong. Orc tribes sometimes ally with goblin clans, or more often subjugate them. Full-blooded orcs are rare in civilization, but not entirely unheard-of. Half-orcs, however, are fairly common.


Tritons guard the ocean depths, building small settlements beside deep trenches, portals to the elemental planes, and other dangerous spots far from the eyes of land-bound folk. Long-established guardians of the deep ocean floor, in recent years the noble tritons have become increasingly active in the world above, particularly Belgrit, with whom many triton kingdoms have grievances.



Raven-folk of the desert and prairie, the kenku are natural scavengers and collectors. They tend to be poor and isolated due to their limited ability to communicate. Children in cities grow up with tales of kenku thieves gliding silently through the night, alighting on rooftops and slipping in through windows to steal shiny things for their nests. And although there is little truth to this as a common trait of kenku, bird people associated with omens of death and avarice who steal others' voices to speak with are pretty much guaranteed to be distrusted wherever they go.


Hailing from tthe marshes of southern Edrys and many of the tropical islands south of Delun, most lizardfolk adopt a tribal lifestyle and are regarded as skilled sailors and fishermen. They are not an uncommon sight on a Belgritian merchant vessel.


Elephant-folk native to the Eloxi desert. Loxodons are massive and strong. Though relatively few in number compared to other races, they are quite common in Elox, and Loxodon heavy infantry units form the backbone of the Aoloxi army.


Beastly humanoids with bovine features, minotaurs hail from Dol and Ao. Despite their beastly appearance, they are often quite calm and good-natured, although you really wouldn't want to get in a fight with one. They are found in small numbers throughout the world, including in civilized lands as well as small tribes.


Hailing from the southern coast of Delun, tabaxi are catlike humanoids driven by curiosity to collect interesting artifacts, gather tales and stories, and lay eyes on all the world’s wonders. Ultimate travelers, the inquisitive tabaxi rarely stay in one place for long. Their innate nature pushes them to leave no secrets uncovered, no treasures or legends lost.


What many tortles consider a simple life, others might call a life of adventure. Tortles are born near the sandy coastlines, but as soon as they’re able to walk on two legs, they become nomad survivalists eager to explore the wilderness, experience its many wonders, put their skills to the test, and make new acquaintances.


Snake people from the wilds of Edrys, most yuan-ti are utterly unfit for civilization, but one exception exists: Yuan-ti purebloods are sufficiently intelligent that they can sometimes find a home in civilized society.



Tieflings are touched by the infernal, their features a mixture of human and devil. They tend toward bright skin colors ranging from red to blue, and have both horns and tails. Born of fire, they hail from the deserts of Elox, but they can be found most anywhere. Despite their dramatic appearance, distrust of tieflings, once commonplace, has largely become an element of history. Even so, they remain a systemically disenfranchised people. Few tieflings hold significant lands or titles, and most are entertainers, laborers, sailors, and, of course, adventurers..


The warforged were created as weapons of war by the artificers of the Araxian Empire to fight in the Chaos War.

When the Empire lost that war, the Autumn Phoenix imbued the warforged with sentience and freed them. No new warforged are created, so they are quite rare.